4:23:00 pm

"Our Times" is a story from the perspective of a working girl, Truly Lin who flashes back to her high school days. The grown-up Truly Lin is played by Joe Chen while the young version is played by Vivian Sung. Truly Lin, just like most of the school girls, has a crush on OuYang Fei Fan (played by Dino Lee), the school's good boy. On the other hand, Hsu Tai Yu (played by Darren Wang) is the school's bad boy, who is fond of the school's popular girl, Tao Min Min (played by Dewi Chien). However, Fei Fan and Min Min have a secret relationship. Therefore, Truly Lin and Tai Yu agree to work together in breaking up Fei Fan and Min Min in order for them to couple up with the one they like. As the plan is carried out, Truly Lin and Tai Yu fall for each other. Here is when their lovey-dovey scene starts.

I strongly recommend this movie for all of you who are from the late 1980s to early 1990s because this movie itself is set in the 90s. It will be easier for you to relate the scenes to your school years. Furthermore, you can involve yourself in the movie if you are a girl since the movie is taken from the point of view of a girl. I'm not sure if studying in a coed school can bring out more feel or what. But, myself, I'm from a girl school, I feel the "feel"! If you're born in the 90s, a girl and from a coed school, there are six things in the movie that will surely capture your nostalgic moments!
1. Obsess with your idol

I believe you must have your idol at that time. Who doesn't? It's like a must to have a star to go crazy over, to collect his merchandises (e.g. drama set, cassette, stickers, bookmarks, etc) and be called Mrs. so-and-so!! Love seems to be so simple in those days. The stickers are collected and pasted in a book to be brought to school EVERYDAY! If there is a popular boy band at that time, I'm sure your friends and you yourself will form a clan, where each person will represent each member, because that's what happen between me and my friends...hahah! And when there is someone who changed their mind to support other star, the rest will like inherit her "collections''.
In those days, Facebook does not exist, but I think there is Friendster, not as popular as Facebook. An autobiography is being used more often. On the first page of the book, the owner will have to fill up details (e.g. name, tel. no., add., nickname, birthday, favourites, etc.) about herself before passing it around for others to fill up their details according to the first page. Friends are allowed to choose to write on any page. This is when one can show-off her creativeness! Colour pens are used to write details and decorate own page. There is one phrase which is frequently being used: P/S: Sorry if not nice - hahah... how cute is that. Sadly, there is one thing I found is a loss. Photo of oneself is not paste in the book. Instead, drawing or stickers of idol is being used.
Be it a girly girlfriend, smart-ass girlfriend, strong-hearted girlfriend, quiet girlfriend, or boob/butt-hitting girlfriend, there must be at least one of them you can remember when watching this movie. So, my advice, bring along all of your class-/schoolmates to watch this movie together! Or watch it with your high school crush, if you're brave enough to ask him out.
"You are now cursed. You got no choice but to keep reading. Follow the following steps and send this out to N-friends, or else you will died or even worse." This is how a chain letter would sounds like. What I experienced myself is in the form of an e-mail, not hand-written letter. At first, I really believed all this shit. Then, I straight away delete these emails the next time I saw it. Did you ever got tricked by chain letter?
In school, the people who has the power to control your freedom are the teachers. A teacher who had scolded you, punished you, or made you lose your face in front of your friends will be categorized as a mad teacher. Same goes to those who gave a mountains of homeworks. Whatever the teacher did later will be deemed as being prejudice to you.
6. Adopt a pet in school

To have a pet in school would be either a puppy or a kitty, normally. Or could it be a bird? hehe. It is cuteness overload. How could one resist? That's the only interactive thing that you can play with, apart from your friends. Whenever you saw a puppy/kitty, especially at the canteen, you will give some of your food to them. A fishball maybe :B When it is injured, you and your friends will frantically find a way to treat them. The worst thing to happen, it died under your supervision. Aiksss....
This is the movie theme song, Hebe田馥甄 - A Little Happiness 小幸運 liked by many before the movie is released. But, I prefer the following song, Grasshopper 草蜢 - 最熱傳. There is a cantonese version but I couldn't find it...so here is the Mandarin version.

This is the movie theme song, Hebe田馥甄 - A Little Happiness 小幸運 liked by many before the movie is released. But, I prefer the following song, Grasshopper 草蜢 - 最熱傳. There is a cantonese version but I couldn't find it...so here is the Mandarin version.
Play this song as you read the post... Soooo old school feel!
So, did you went through all these? Are we from the same batch? Do you own any "antique" found in the movie, like a walkman? I have one and I brought it to school once during a class party. Sadly, my Westlife cassette was accidentally being recorded with the conversation between my friends and I. Do you have any funny/happy/sad high school moments? I'm curious to know. Or let me know what are the nostalgic moments of the current generation.
I would give this movie a 4-stars rate. Although the storyline can easily be predicted, it really really brings you back to the old days. Especially when you're already working and often complain that you wanted to go back to school badly. And again, I really have to stress on it! Do not ever EVER search for anything regarding this movie..except for this post...if you have not watch this movie. You do not want to kill the surprise. But, I'll give you a hint. There are guest appearances in this movie! If you're shock/excited by their appearances, do stand up and give an applause at the end! I wanted to do it, but I got no guts...hahah.
I would give this movie a 4-stars rate. Although the storyline can easily be predicted, it really really brings you back to the old days. Especially when you're already working and often complain that you wanted to go back to school badly. And again, I really have to stress on it! Do not ever EVER search for anything regarding this movie..except for this post...if you have not watch this movie. You do not want to kill the surprise. But, I'll give you a hint. There are guest appearances in this movie! If you're shock/excited by their appearances, do stand up and give an applause at the end! I wanted to do it, but I got no guts...hahah.
Here's my #ootd for the movie date. I consider this as a youthful ensemble. A Mickey cartoon print tee to bring a childish attitude together with a skater skirt and a pair of whole pink high-top to kick-it-out! No heavy make-up and just a simple pony tail.
Weights & Dresses,